Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Day 184

  Here is a picture of the day we took them home.:) <3

  So the dogs are getting bigger every day! But that has also increased their horrible barking habit. We are trying to train the dogs, it is working a little. But they still have some gaps that they are working on.

Day 183

   Hey guys welcome back to another day of Boxmas Bros! Today they were barking at a Father and like 5 year old daughter. I don't know why but they did. They have really increased their bad barking habit. So that's pretty much it byeee

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Day 182 Sorry Haven't been posting will post when can :)

  Hey guys welcome back! I'm SO sorry I Haven't been posting. But here I am today. So back to the topic of dogs, Calvin and Hobbes are doing EXCELLENT! They have been getting better with behavior, Except... They have in creased a habit of barking. That's all for today hope you enjoyed see you tomorrow!