Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hi, I'm Back!

                                                           (The Photo below if from 11/13/2020)

            Hi guys! I just wanted to say I'm back and posting. As well as that I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! I will not be posting from now until the new year 2021. Thank you guys for all of your support, and I will try to post more often. But until 2021, I wish well to all of you guys. 

            Now for the puppy update! The puppies have been doing great! We have mostly house trained them besides the fact that the two brothers love to wrestle. We have given the dogs new food, and they love it! As well as all of that, we have learned that they REALLY and when I say really I mean REALLY LOVE bubbles!

            Thank you for reading todays blog! And I hope You have A Happy Holiday!

                                                                      - Lilly Davis

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